Kyle Couture
Territory Mgr.
American Spiralweld Pipe Company, LLC (Birmingham)
Pipe Fabricator

Professional Bio
Kyle G. Couture, P.E., is a 1996 Mechanical Engineering graduate of Auburn University and has worked with AMERICAN Cast Iron Pipe Company since 1996, primarily with AMERICAN SpiralWeld Pipe products. His history with AMERICAN includes Project Management and Technical Sales. Kyle holds a Florida and Mississippi Professional Engineer registration, is a member of ASCE and the Steel Water Pipe Manufacturers Technical Advisory Committee affiliated with AWWA. As current Chair of the Pipe Section of STI/SPFA, Kyle continues the work of championing steel pipe in the marketplace through education and participation in steel related standard developments and manuals of practice.
Parent: American Spiralweld Pipe Company, LLC (Birmingham)
2916 16th Street North Birmingham, AL 35207-4806

Ancillary Equipment Manufacturers/Distributers